But what about my Scouting awards?
There’s more good news! Time spent on completing your DofE programme also counts towards your top awards in Scouting. The top awards in Scouting have been carefully aligned with the DofE programme meaning that if you are registered for one you may as well register for the other. The details of how each level and section align can be found below.
If you choose to do your Gold DofE programme you can register for your Queen’s Scout Award (QSA) and cross-credit all of the relevant sections. There are just a few more requirements you’ll need to complete for the QSA and then you’ll have achieved both awards! Both award programmes are highly respected by potential employers, colleges and universities, so the awards are great additions to your CV! Find out more about your QSA at scouts.org.uk/QSA.
DofE and Scout Awards Levels and Requirements

Ready to get started?
If you are just turning 14 years old you will register at Bronze level to start with, but if you are 16 or older you can decide which level to register for.
Once registered for DofE, you will receive an eDofE account and a Welcome Pack. It’s important that you log into eDofE and keep your account up-to-date, as this is where you will submit your evidence and your Award once it is completed.
From there you will decide on your activities, goals and who your Assessors will be.
Then all that’s left is to have fun developing new skills and making memories.